
Reaching and welcoming thousands of people from all ethnic groups into our church family, some who do and others who will proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord.
Assisting all God’s children- young people as well as adults-to discover their spiritual gifts so that they are equipped to serve Jesus Christ effectively in a significant ministry. Our goal is that every member be a minister (active servant).
Nurturing all God’s people-new believers as well as established believers – into followers of Jesus Christ through Spirit-led worship services, bible studies, small groups, retreats and a bible school for our members and the body of Christ.
Small groups where God’s people model biblical community: a safe place where we accept one another and are accepted, love and are loved, shepherd and are shepherded, encourage and are encouraged, forgive and are forgiven, and serve and are served.
Facilities that accommodate our growth and are accessible to all of the Greater Cincinnati area. These facilities will provide ample room to fulfill the God given vision.
Outreaches that share the good news and Love of Jesus Christ with thousands of unchurched friends and people.
Responding to the needs of our local and surrounding communities as directed by the Lord.
Maturing into the likeness and image of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. A part of this maturing will include sending out members on long and short term missions trips and planting of covenant churches and ministries.